Awesome update to Rooms coming this weekend!

Hey folks, thought I'd mention some of the cool stuff I've been adding to the game's room system this week, and which will be in this Friday night's build!

First of all, there will be new types of rooms! I've revamped the system so that now it's easy to add new room types via file, and I'm putting in rooms like workshops, libraries, kitchens, and more!

Second, there's more UI stuff to manage rooms, including a Rooms Roster that lets you quickly see a list of, and warp to or open info on, any room in the world! You'll also be able to right-click on any open space of a room to enter the Room UI window, where you can rename the room, or assign any colonist as its owner!

I've also made major updates to the tooltip system, so it'll show stacked tooltips for everything you're hovering - not only whatever item you may be hovering, but also the room that it's in, and the specific tile underneath your pointer. I'm making big improvements to this system, so it'll be a much more effective tool for understanding your world.

Well, this is a bit of a preview - if you want to check out this Friday's build as I develop it, be sure and check out the nightly devstreams on Twitch! Follow the Twitch channel at and give me feedback as I add new features to the room system, and continue improving Modlands! :D

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